CS 373 Spring 2022: Blog #8
What did you do this past week?
This week I worked on SWE with my group members in the GDC as well as began packing for Spring Break. I wrapped up the Menger Sponge assignment for Graphics which was slightly less challenging than the previous graphics assignments that we had. I also finished up homework I had for my Mathematics Course which is on the Theory of Interest.
What’s in your way?
At the moment, I am at home and have the opportunity to catch up with a lot of people from high school. However, it is important that I manage schoolwork and social obligations so that I don’t fall behind in this classwork and am making meaningful contributions to the project. I believe I should be able to do this.
What will you do next week?
I need to get accustomed to the Google Maps API and create something for my team to work with. I worked with another API and got reacclimated to the JSON parsing framework and doing get requests.
What did you think of Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle
I thought the paper beared in mind a lot of principles of Object Oriented Programming. I hope that regardless of where I start working I can use these principles in the workplace because it will show that my degree really yielded something useful for myself.
What was your experience of comprehension and yields?
I had never covered yields in any programming languages before. I somewhat covered list comprehension in previous courses but it was never really an area of focus. I feel like this will be useful if I use Python religiously and need the feature for a particular project.
What made you happy this week?
This week I was happy because I came back home for the first time after break. I never found the time to go back these past few weeks and it was good seeing my family again. I have a car at home and not in Austin so it was fun driving again after not doing so for a long time.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week
My tip of the week is to try learning a new skill. For example, I tried learning to play piano and singing at the same time this week and although I still haven’t come close to what I am looking for I hope to make good strides on it during the break since I will have less time during the school year.