CS 373 Spring 2022 Blog #9

Varun D Nayak
3 min readMar 28, 2022


Blog #9

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I worked on the Google Maps API feature implementation for our project. We used data that we had collected in our backend through our API calls. My task was to use the embed API to showcase our website. Using this API I was able to show each individual map location. For each of our models a new instance would show up and I was quite happy with how smooth and aesthetic each page was.

What’s in your way?

I have an exam on Monday and the project is due as well so I have to really ramp up my work ethic in order to do well in both classes. I am really struggling this week since Spring Break is over and I have to get back in the rhythm. It is crazy how one week of fun can break healthy habits of productivity.

What will you do next week?

This upcoming week, I will finish up this phase of the project and also complete my exam for Theory of Interest. I will need to effectively be focused and plan out things accordingly. Additionally, I hope to do what is required of me by the team in order to make sure we are on time for completion and everyone is happy.

What did you think of Paper #9: Dependency Inversion Principle?

I think this paper helped me in showing the importance of how abstract classes provide the ability to have the features for certain implementations and allows the programmer to build upon them later on. I think studying these papers makes the readers better software engineers especially if the principals are used in practice.

What was your experience of decorators, Cache, and functions? (this question will vary, week to week)

I had never seen these features in Python and I think they are very useful. I hope that these abilities come to fruition as I am being tested by them in the HackerRank exercises as well as the quizzes in class. I am not sure if they are useful in the sense that I will deploy them in the workplace but it’s cool to know of their existence

What made you happy this week?

I am happy that I chose to study instead of go out Saturday night because I would have been even more behind on work had I chosen to go out. I also revisted a restaurant called Z’Tejas which has amazing Southern food and great cornbread.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to ask team members when dealing with bugs rather than going to stack overflow. Sometimes more experienced programmers are happy to share their insight and will help you complete the task faster even if their help is passive especially if one programmer is at the intermediate level and another is at an advanced level.



Varun D Nayak
Varun D Nayak

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