CS373: Software Engineering Blog 7
What did you do this past week?
This past week, we wrapped up phase one of the software engineering project with my group. Additionally, I worked on a graphics project due next Friday with my partner. I also went to Seaholm District and just wandered around and the weather is improving so it was a great experience.
What’s in your way?
I need to focus and get my work finished. I have a lot of thoughts leading me astray and that will not help me complete my work in time. Overall I need to have a better gague at how long it takes for me to complete a task and the measn to achieve it. With this mindset, I can fixate on a problem and get it done in time.
What will you do next week?
This coming week, I will try to finish coding Phase II of the project. I have experience working with APIs and parsing in Python. I also hope to focus on my project in Graphics which is implementing a menger sponge.
What did you think of Paper #7: Liskov Substitution Principle?
I definitely remember reading this paper and it was a good refresher. I think learning about the different interactions in OOP can help a programmer come up with a good implementation and then code out an implementation regardless of the nuances of each language.
What was your experience of operators and iteration? (this question will vary, week to week)
In OOP we learned about overloading the opearators and how useful that can be. I think Mike Scott also thought us this principle in data structures. It was pretty useful and sometimes the operators must serve different functions for different classes and data types.
What made you happy this week?
I had Olive Garden for the first time in many years. I loved just eating the breadsticks and salad and being able to take home the rest of the food. I also went to an Indian dance event called Raas and met many friends.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Listening to background noise, such as brown noise, helps drown out the sounds of the world, allowing you to more easily focus on concentration-heavy tasks, such as studying.