CS373 Spring 2022: Apr 4-Apr 10
What did you do this past week?
I worked on my SWE Project with my teammates. I also worked on a Quest assignment for my theory of interest class. I also started calculating my grades for the semester since it is important for me to succeed. I put all my grades in Canvas in my Excel sheet and used formulas to have a running total and put in 0s as placeholders for all grades which have not been entered so I would be motivated to succeed.
What’s in your way?
This week I have two projects due and I must muster up enough willpower to complete all the tasks which are required of me. I also have to complete my taxes which is something I am doing for the first time. I feel like being an adult is finally sinking in. I was able to enjoy my 21st birthday last week but now the responsibilities and duties are coming in.
What will you do next week?
Next week I plan on sleeping enough and not getting distracted and completing my work. It is important for me to stay ahead and finish off the semester strong. I can do this by having alarms to make sure specific tasks are being completed. I will also coordinate with my group members and make sure we are all on the same page so that each aspect gets completed on time.
What did you think of Paper 11. More getters and setters?
I thought that it was a good accompaniment to last week’s paper on getters and setters. Mainly, it made me realize that getters and setters can ruin implemenations and make them more clunkier. Certain interfaces are often built on the getter and setter models like the ones mentioned in the paper and this isn’t always the best choice.
What was your experience of select, projecting, and cross join? (this question will vary, week to week)
I did not have any experience with these topics other than using cross join in SQL. The dictionary exercises that we utilized in class helped me understand everything necessary. I was glad to understand how the concepts were interrelated through the Hacker Rank exercises that we completed with our groups in class.
What made you happy this week?
This week I went to Trader Joe’s and also tried the Baked Bear. The ice cream sandwiches they had are very tasty and I was struggling to finish them. Luckily my friend was able to help me. I also had Codependent Coffee which makes delectable coffees each time. My favorite is the Nutella coffee since the hazlenut chocolate flavor goes well with the coffee.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to check out Seaholm District. There is a fun park with lots of attractions and restaurants. It is a great place to take pets or to stroll if you don’t have any. Merit Coffee, Trader Joe’s and Codependent Coffee are all great places in the area.