CS373 Spring 2022: Varun Nayak

Varun D Nayak
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


What did you do this past week?

This week I was very productive and finished a graphics project. I was running on very low hours of sleep. I met with my SWE team in the GDC and worked on the assignment. It was fun because I got to meet everyone in person which is really great during COVID.

What’s in your way?

I have a graphics project due each week as well as other worksheets. I also have to figure out Postman so I can contribute to my team. I also want to improve my performance in LeetCode and get better at competitive programming. I hope to balance my time better and make time to meet my group members more oftern. I was absent during one of our meetings.

What will you do next week?

I think next week I will focus on getting ahead. I will also start running every morning. I like the seratonin boost I get from doing this. It is very helpful and helps me stay connected during the day.

What did you think of Paper #6: Open-Closed Principle?

I think Paper 6 was a good review of OOP. I believe I have read this paper in one of Downing’s previous classes and it was a good review of this concept. I hope to utilize whatever I am learning from these papers as a software engineer. This summer I am working for IBM and having this knowledge will benefit my career

What was your experience of “for in”, “reduce”, “object models”, and “operators”?

These have significantly improved my understanding of Python. I have also understand the keyword self better and before I did not understand the OOP significance behind it. However, I used to think that Python was a very simple programming language. This class has proven to be contradictory to that.

What made you happy this week?

This week I was happy because I Facetimed someone I had not talked into a long time. This was great because I love forming connections with people and rebuilding lost connections. I also had free ice cream at the baked bear. I also tried some free food on Speedway and it was really good.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Focus on understanding the implementations of something. It is better to understand how to do hello world before you try doing something. It is also better to test code incrementally and to make sure there are no bugs that could come out later on. Our team pushes commits to a branch each time we have made an incremental upgrade.



Varun D Nayak
Varun D Nayak

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