CS373 Spring 2022: Varun Nayak April 10–17

Varun D Nayak
2 min readApr 18, 2022

What did you do this past week?

This week we wrapped up the sorting searching and filtering aspect of the webpage. This phase was much simpler than the last phase in that we were only adding minor modifications to our preexisting implementation. I also explored some new coffeeshops in Austin, TX. I really like Summer Moon and Codependent Coffee. Codependent coffee has great flavors like the MinttoBeCino which is a great mixture of mint and coffee.

What’s in your way?

This week I have an exam for Theory of Interest on Friday. This exam will cover topics ranging from bonds to amortization. It requires a lot of practice but it pays off since I am much more financially literate. I like having knowledge on financial topics in addition to computer science because it is a great way to hold and acquire wealth to become rich and stable. I also have a Graphics project on skinning. This is good since I am learning new material that will be helpful should I decide to choose a career in graphics such as those offered by NVidia.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will be studying for the aforementioned Theory of Interest Exam. I also will be grinding out the graphics project the next couple of days. Another thing I need to do is write an ethics paper for Graphics as well for Dr. Abraham’s class. I have an idea of what to do due to the ethics class I took with her in Spring 2020.

What did you think of Paper 12. Why extends is evil?

I really like the example of using the collections interface instead of instantiating a LinkedList. By not defining a Linkedlist we only would need to change one keyword based off of whatever extends the LinkedList class.

What was your experience of natural join and SQL.?

I have used natural join in SQL before for Leetcode practice but I got a proper understanding of these topics in this class. I really liked the Python exercise which made us implement our own natural join. Luckily we were able to get last minute help from the teaching staff to solve our own problems.

What made you happy this week?

I’ve been consistently going to the gym and getting exercise. I have been tracking my nutrition and limiting eating out to only with friends and I cook my own meals. I also am feeling excited that I only need 2 more CS classes to graduate.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is to use MyFitnessPal to track nutrition and also exercises. It will help you achieve your goals by sending you reminders and providing a clean interface to track.

