CS371g Summer 2021: Blog 7 Varun Nayak
- What did you do this past week?
This week, I wrapped up my Deque as well as complete assignments for my management and marketing Business minor class. However, deque took a large portion of my time .
- What’s in your way?
Not much as I finished my other CS class on July 8th. I wish this class was also only uptil the 8th. I do enjoy learning but also am relieved that this is my only class left and I can relax till fall starts on August 25th.
- What will you do next week?
Next week, I will look for a new partner and promptly finish the last project. I hope to finish this up quickly and recieve an M because then I will be straight in terms of the criteria required for completion.
- If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #7: What Happens to Us?
I read the paper and I feel like it is very apparent in today’s media as it should be. Many men can be disrespectful towards women in the workplace. Hopefully awareness towards the issue can make it a thing of the past.
- What was your experience of vector, allocator, and deque? (this question will vary, week to week)
After completing the assignment, I have a much better understanding of these structures. It does take some messing around with the program to finally understand how it works.
- What made you happy this week?
I felt pretty happy watching game 5 of the NBA Finals. Jrue Holiday threw an insane lob that made the Bucks win the finals. While I don’t care who wins the finals, the games so far have had spectacular plays and have been very close. Most fans are saying the Milwaulkee Bucks will take the title.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Take into account Hofstadter’s law which states It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law. This law was coined by Hofstadter and applied to me when completing Deque.